24 March 2021 | Corporate, Events, News
STAR Conference Spring Edition 2021: PharmaNutra meets investors following its first STAR year

The 2021 STAR Conference organised by Borsa Italiana is an opportunity to meet MTA investors following publication of the 2020 financial statements.
The last two days are proving positive for PharmaNutra S.p.A. at the Virtual Star Conference (Spring Edition) hosted by Borsa Italiana: the first appointment of the year for MTA, STAR-listed businesses, which was organised online due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A crucial event, exclusively for the Italian and international financial community, to offer analysts and investors an opportunity to review results – which have been very positive for PharmaNutra, as highlighted by the Financial Statements Project as at 31 December 2020 – and future prospects for medium-sized Italian business, which form the driving force of our domestic economy.
Pharmanutra, which entered the STAR segment of the Italian stock exchange last December, was represented by its top management – Chairman Andrea Lacorte, and deputy Chairman and CEO Roberto Lacorte, COO Carlo Volpi and CFO Francesco Sarti – who brought the financial community up to date on the group’s strong growth, by focusing on its excellent results for 2020 and future strategies connected to global sales expansion for their brands and continued investment in R&D.
“These have been two very positive days for PharmaNutra and her shareholders,” stated Roberto Lacorte. “In the wake of January’s success at the Italian Mid Cap Conference, new national and international investors have shown significant and active interest in our company. This interest is linked to the rapid and exemplary development that has involved Pharmanutra over recent years, and above all to future prospects for company growth, which are looking truly positive and intriguing.”
A successful conclusion to this first 2021 meeting with the financial community; the second appointment with the Star Conference is scheduled for October.