PharmaNutra Products

PharmaNutra products are designed to respond effectively and safely to the health and well-being needs of all ages. Our research activity has focused on the growing problem of nutritional deficiencies – especially of vitamins and minerals – and the health of the musculoskeletal system. PharmaNutra nutritional supplements and medical devices first and foremost promote a healthy, active and conscious lifestyle.

SiderAL® is a nutritional supplement based on Sucrosomial Iron®, Vitamin C and Vitamin B12, useful in all cases of nutritional deficiencies or an increased organic need for these nutrients.

SiderAL® Forte is a nutritional supplement based on Sucrosomial Iron® and Vitamin C, useful to address any nutritional deficiencies or temporarily increase the organic needs of these nutrients.

SiderAL® Folic 30mg is a nutritional supplement in practical orosoluble sachets, based on Sucrosomial Iron®, vitamins (C, B12, B6 and D) and Quatrefolic® acid, the active form of folic acid.

Cardio SiderAL® is a food supplement based on Sucrosomial® Iron, vitamin C, vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid, useful as a means of supplementing these nutrients in cases of dietary deficiencies.

SiderAL® Med is a Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs) with Sucrosomial® minerals and vitamins, developed for the treatment of nutritional deficiencies in bariatric patients or in cases of malabsorption.

SiderAL® Gocce is a nutritional supplement in drops with Sucrosomial® Iron, specific for infants and children up to 3 years.

SiderAL® Gocce Forte is a supplement with Sucrosomial® Iron, specific for fighting iron deficiency in infants and children up to 3 years.

SiderAL® Bimbi is a nutritional supplement in handy sachets with Sucrosomial® Iron, Vitamin C and Vitamins B6 and B12.

SiderAL® Oro is a supplement in orodispersible sticks with Sucrosomial® Iron, Vitamin C and group B Vitamins, specific for children and adolescents.

ApportAL® is a complete nutritional supplement containing as many as 19 nutrients. The combination of vitamins and minerals in ApportAL® helps to strengthen the immune system.

ApportAL® Vital, thanks to its 19 nutrients, can be useful in case of convalescence, weakness, fatigue and low immune system. Also suitable for children.

UltraMag® is the only Sucrosomial® Magnesium-based supplement that guarantees 100% RNV (recommended nutritional value) of magnesium in a single sachet.

Cetilar® Crema is a topical muscle and joint wellness product based on Cetylated Fatty Acids (7.5% CFA). Cetilar® Crema can be used for massage to improve joint capacity and mobility.

Cetilar® Patch is a local action patch for muscle and joint well-being with cetylated fatty acids (CFA). Cetilar® Patch contributes to restoring mobility and functionality of joints, as well as relieving pain.

Cetilar® Tape is an inelastic adhesive tape, designed to reduce pain symptoms in the case of muscle and joint disorders, such as sports trauma, sprains, strains, contractures and contusions.

Cetilar® Oro is the first and only oral suspension food supplement with Cetylated Fatty Acids (CFAs). Each pack contains 20 handy orodispersible sachets.

Race Carb Gel è un integratore alimentare di carboidrati in gel senza caffeina, con rapporto tra maltodestrine e fruttosio di 1:0,8.

Race Carb Caf Gel è un integratore alimentare di carboidrati e caffeina, con un rapporto tra maltodestrine e fruttosio di 1:0,8.

Ultrarace Carb Gel è un integratore di carboidrati in gel con Trealosio e caffeina, che aiuta il rilascio controllato di energia.

Race Carb Cetilar® Nutrition è un integratore di carboidrati in polvere da sciogliere in acqua, con un rapporto tra maltodestrine e fruttosio di 1:0,8.

Race Carb Caf è un integratore alimentare di carboidrati in polvere con caffeina.

Ultrarace Carb è un integratore di carboidrati in polvere con l'aggiunta di caffeina, a rilascio controllato di energia.

Le nuove Race Bar Cetilar® Nutrition favoriscono l’apporto di energia e dei principali nutrienti. Confezione da 9 barrette gusti assortiti.

Balance Race Bar Chocolate è una barretta proteico-energetica bilanciata, arricchita con minerali sucrosomiali®. Gusto: brownie al cioccolato.

Balance Race Bar Cranberry + Salted Peanut è una barretta proteico-energetica bilanciata, arricchita con minerali sucrosomiali®. Gusto: mirtillo rosso e arachidi salate.

Balance Race Bar Pear + Cheese è una barretta proteico-energetica bilanciata, arricchita minerali sucrosomiali. Gusto: formaggio e pere.

Race Bar Coconut è una barretta energetica bilanciata, arricchita con Ferro Sucrosomiale® e Magnesio Sucrosomiale® al gusto cocco.

Energy Bar è una barretta energetica studiata per fornire la giusta combinazione di carboidrati a rilascio differenziato e con pochi grassi.

Hydrate Fast è un integratore alimentare a base di magnesio e minerali con edulcoranti, utile durante l’esercizio fisico moderato o intenso.

Recovery Pro è un integratore alimentare a base di proteine, carboidrati e minerali, pensato per il recupero muscolare dell'atleta.

Night Restore è un integratore alimentare a base di magnesio e proteine del latte idrolizzate, specifico per il riposo notturno dell'atleta.

Defense Booster è un integratore alimentare a base di vitamine, minerali, licopene e coenzima Q10, indicato per la protezione completa dell’organismo.

Dual Protein è un integratore con doppia fonte di proteine derivanti dal siero del latte, per sostenere la crescita e il mantenimento della massa muscolare.

Master Race è un integratore in stick liquidi a base di Lipocet®, collagene, glucosamina, condroitina, coenzima Q10, licopene e vitamine.

Iron Race è un integratore alimentare in compresse a base di Ferro Sucrosomiale®, Rame, Vitamine C, B2, B6, B12 e Acido Folico.

Blefarene Baby is a soft, disposable cotton wipe, specific for the care and hygiene of eyelids and eyelashes. Useful also in case of eye irritations.

DoloMir® Oto is a product with myrrh extract for the treatment of the ear canal irritations. Useful also for cleaning the ears and removing wax.

Dolomir® Gola is a protective, soothing throat spray with myrrh and sodium hyaluronate that reduces irritations of the oropharyngeal muscosa.

Lactozepam® is a liquid supplement for children, created to offer a natural response to stress, anxiety, agitation and sleep disturbances.

Lactozepam® Oro is a natural solutions with milk proteins, that helps to reduce stress, anxiety, agitation and to improve sleep quality.

Lactozepam® Forte is a supplement for adults with milk proteins, useful to reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Neo D3 is a supplement in drops for children with Vitamin D, Vitamin E, plant-origin DHA (Omega 3), phospholipids and beta-palmitic acid.

Gestalys DHA contains, in one capsule, sucrosomial iron, folic acid, vegetable DHA, vitamins and micronutrients useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Novomega is a nutritional supplement based on EPA and DHA, useful to supplement these nutrients in the case of dietary deficiencies or in periods when there is an increase in organic requirements.

Bonecal is a nutritional supplement based on calcium, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, useful to address dietary deficiencies and for the maintenance of strong and healthy bones.

DiKappa 2 is a dietary supplement of vitamin K2 and D3 used for the maintenance of healthy and strong bones, also useful in combination with therapies for osteoporosis.

Celadrin® Crescita is a topical cream with Cetylated Fatty Acids (CFAs) for children with growth-associated joint pains.