10 March 2020 | Corporate, News
PharmaNutra supporting the National Healt Service in the Covid-19 emergency

The Group will supply the products SiderAL® H and ApportAL® free of charge to the intensive care units of all hospitals requesting them.
Fully aware that we are living a national emergency that can and must be overcome with a strong spirit of solidarity and absolute compliance with rules issued by the Government, PharmaNutra S.p.A. communicates that it has taken the initiative to support the National Health Service, strongly committed, with men and means, to fight the spread of COVID-19 in Italy.
More concretely, the Group will supply, absolutely free-of-charge, the products SiderAL® H (nutritional Sucrosomial® Iron-based supplement) and ApportAL® (nutritional Sucrosomial® Minerals, Amino acid and Vitamin based supplements that support immune system functions) to the intensive care units of all hospitals requesting them. An action that the company hopes can contribute, even if only to a minimum extent, to improving the situation our health System is dealing with.
The initiative, possible thanks to the PharmaNutra Group solidity, means to be a concrete help for the medical staff working in the intensive care units. It was notified directly to the General Managers of the Local Health Agencies, the Hospital Directors and the Directors of the operating units of Italian hospital pharmacies.
“This gesture is of great significance for the Pharmanutra Group. We want to make our solidity available to the country, to help it overcome this difficult moment and start up again even stronger” , explains Andrea Lacorte, President of PharmaNutra S.p.A., “Faced by this emergency and the immense effort being made by all health operators, we just want to make ourselves available to the National Health Service hoping to provide the community with real help”.
“This initiative, that we hope has as much participation as possible, is the result of our company’s solid economic-financial structure. It allows us these small, but important actions while still sustaining the business, that continues to grow and strengthen results, in line with past years”, adds the Vice President Roberto Lacorte. “PharmaNutra is a large family where the word “ethics” still has a real, strong meaning. That is why our actions today are solely for Italy and the Italians fighting a daily battle, with all possible means, against the spread of COVID-19”.