15 December 2020 | CorporateNews
PharmaNutra enters the MTA market – STAR segment of Borsa Italiana
This morning saw the floating of shares in PharmaNutra S.p.A. on the MTA market – STAR segment of the Borsa Italiana. At the same time, the Company Shares were excluded from trading on the AIM Italia market.
Following the news on Friday 11 December that the Borsa Italiana had opened up trading of Company shares on the MTA and the online publication of the Prospectus, the PharmaNutra Group today officially enters the MTA market – STAR segment of the Borsa Italiana.
At just over three years since PharmaNutra was first listed on the Stock Exchange on the AIM Italian market, the company has now taken a further step forward, a major transition to open the company up to a new world in terms of national and international investments, relations and responsibilities.
Andrea Lacorte, Chairman of PharmaNutra S.p.A., commented as follows: “It is a great pleasure, and an honour, to celebrate PharmaNutra moving from the AIM Italia list to the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, just three years after the first listing. This is a fundamental step for us; a key moment that will enable our company to benefit from a broader audience of international investors and, simultaneously, be more competitive and attractive in our sector. Entering the main market means compliance with those excellence requirements in transparency, corporate governance and liquidity terms, aspects that have always made PharmaNutra stand out, with the ambition of becoming a listed reference player for the market”.
Roberto Lacorte, CEO of PharmaNutra, declares: “The move to the STAR segment of the MTA market is an important step on a long path of growth in value, which began with the Elite programme, thanks to which the company was able to carry on developing on its pathway of excellence. We are joining a market that PharmaNutra considers much more in line with and sensitive to its company business. This enables us to transfer the values accumulated in developing the driving elements of our business in the best way possible”
The transfer to the STAR segment of MTA (in other words the segment of the Borsa Italiana dedicated to businesses with capital between 40 million and 1 billion Euro) represents a major step, which in the current historical moment carries even more meaning, both from a financial and moral point of view. This achievement would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of all employees, collaborators and partners of PharmaNutra.
From today, a new chapter starts for PharmaNutra, which on this momentous occasion has given a new look to its brand, with a restyled logo and company website.